Friday 12 June 2009

Oh sorry peeps!

Hello again

You may have noticed that my About Me section is kind of weird because it's in another language! Well, yeah - it's in Highland Moocow so I'm not surprised you don't understand!

This is because I have a Highland Cow called Messy McScruff and recently he got his own page on Blogger. He's really cute (as I'm sure you'll agree) but sometimes you do have some trouble understanding him, especially when you first meet him. Click on the link to check out his page!!

Anyway, although it now says 'published by Messmoo', it's really published by me, Westrina, the one who likes to make films and eat chocolate and read books and play on the computer and HATES Maths on pain of DEATH!

So yeah. As you can tell, my uninteresting life just got even more uninteresting.



  1. hey, i have a runescape blog if ur intrested. its a ruenscape help/activity site. every week i post a long informatiuonal ruenscape guide, and in between weeks i come out with money aking, skill, or quest guides. please join mine and check it out!
