Sunday 23 August 2009

Back Again

Hi everyone

Sorry I have been neglecting my post as blogger *sniff* do you think you can EVER forgive me?



They finished a few weeks ago. But NOT before something AMAZING happened!!!!!!!


How cool IS that?!?!?

Oh yes.

It's true.

Well, so yes. They've finished filming, which is sad *sniff*, but Harry Potter is coming soon! Apparently, they're going to be doing a lot of filming people flying about, so stick around for news on that!

Apart from that, my life has gone back to being uninteresting. I went to see Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince twice recently. It's very good, but I can't help feeling that it's slightly TOO epic? It's getting to have a feel of LOTR about it, which doesn't really work, because the Lord of the Rings is sooooo much better.

Ron is very good, though, as is Emma Watson.

Talking about Emma Watson, there's been some debating among Fanpires over who would be best to play Renesmee? If you haven't already, try searching 'Renesmee' on YouTube. My personal fave is Emma Watson to play an older Renesmee, although, as one of my fellow Fanpires pointed out, she's slightly too old lol!

Other films I've seen recently? Well, the only one is The Importance of Being Earnest, which I'm sure you've either seen, or have no desire to see, so I shan't go into that!

I really have no more news *sob*. I've been keeping my eyes on IMDb to see when they come up with the whole cast list of RH, and what it's called and so on, but so far nothing apart from what you already know. I'll tell you as soon as I have anything more to report!

Oh, I was chatting with one of the security people about the set they built at the Bourne Woods, and they were saying that the WHOLE set will only feature in about 20 mins of the actual film! And the village they torched? Only 5 mins for Robin Hood's flashback of his childhood.

I have to go now, but I'll get back when anything interesting happens.


Saturday 25 July 2009

Wednesday night on the Robin Hood film set

Hi everyone

Sorry I haven't got back to you - today was my sister's birthday! So I've been a bit busy preparing treasure hunts for hoards of six year olds to rampage around my house!! Anyway, I'm sure you're all DESPERATE (not) to know what happened on Wednesday night when I went to the Robin Hood night shoot.

Well, I arrived at about 7:30, and they weren't doing much, just using HUGE cranes to lift up
lights to make the set floodlit.

OK, this is a (bad quality) picture of a fire they were making in the ga
te of the castle. I'm not sure why...
Well, anyway, they did this, and then they shot FIRE ARROWS up at the castle and ran around shouting a lot. I wanted to get a film clip of it, but I was too slow :-(

I have realised that sometimes the photos and text don't synchronise, or the words are split halfway through onto another line. This isn't anything to do with me, by the way, because it looks fine when I'm editing my post, but for some reason the computer does it anyway. Sorry!

Right, this is a close-up of the castle. You've probably already seen it from this angle, but this is it without lighting at around 9pm. I warn you now - all the photos I've taken are quite fuzzy because I had to zoom in in order to get a decent photo, and then my camera isn't very stro
ng so it made a mess of it. And also, in case you didn't know, it was quite DARK. Funnily enough.

Ok, here are two photos I took around 11:30 to midnight. This first one is the castle WITHOUT any lighting.

This second one (I hope this lines up!) is taken at around the same time, but this time the castle is lit to look like sunrise. Clever, eh? As the night got darker and darker, the lighting on the castle (provided by at least 4 lights on cranes, another backlight and a reflective shield thing to bounce the light back up onto the castle) got brighter and brighter, to make it look like proper daylight!

There are some more things to tell you lot about, but this post is already really LOOOOOOONG so I'd probably better stop now.




Wednesday 22 July 2009

In answer to the comments.......

Hello people

In answer to the comments you posted, yes, I AM the Jake lover (none taken!) cos he's soooo cute,

and yes I DO go on RuneScape, and my username is Westrina. As always. See you on there!


Robin Hood, starring Russell Crowe

Hello again people

I'm sorry I haven't been around for a while...But I have fantastic news! Very close to where I live is a wood where a film set has been built - i
t's for Ridley Scott's Robin Hood film, starring Russell Crowe as Robin Hood. There's a castle, a village (whic
h they burnt!) and an army encampment with lots of tents. Yesterday, when I was there watch
ing, there were 60 men on horses storming the castle and more
soldiers on foot using a battering ram!!! Even better, I was allowed to take some photos, which I will put in now.....LOADING...........
Dah dah! That's the castle, and there are lots of tents in the foreground. There are also lots of people! And the spikes coming out of the ground are made of wood. There are also quite a few
dead bodies lying around made o
ut of things like wire and s
tuff like that. On the right (it's not in the picture, but it was there) is a sm
oke machine, and there are obviously vents in the hill which the castle is standing on, because when they were ready to shoot, they would turn on the smoke machine and there would be smoke EVERYWHERE!

Ok, here is another picture.

Right, now you can see the battering ram properly. There's
also a red van in the picture - see that? And beside it is a green thing with a big black thing on top of it. That's the camera, and it's on wheels so it can follow the battering ram up the hill in later shots. HOW COOL IS THAT?!

And this is a picture of when they decided to set fire to the ca
stle. From whe
re I was standing, you could hear Ridley Scott s
houting 'Action' and 'Fire UP!'. See all the smoke? That's from the vents I was telling you about. So what happened was that Ridley Scott would say 'Action', and then 'Fire up' and the fire would go up, and the people you can see would hide behind wooden things and fire arrows up at the castle, and on the castle battlements are more archers, and more arrows come FROM the castle. And all the people are shouting and roaring and getting very worked up! Then there's a foghorn thingie, instead of having to shout CUT, and everyone stops, and they get ready to shoot it again! We stayed there for about 2 hours and nothing muc
h happened - I think they were doing speech close up with Russel Crowe or something right then, but then they started doing what I just told you about.
This is the camera that wasn't doing anything yesterday when I was there. It was really close to us though. It's really long, isn't it!!

This other picture

is the back of 60 men on horseback that left at about 6:30 when we were just deciding that it was probably time to go... Aren't they cool!?

And here are more men who waved at us as they went past!!! HOW COOL!!!

Right, I'll update you later - I'm going to a night shoot tonight with one of my friends! I'll tell you what happened tomorrow.


Friday 12 June 2009

And again

Panic over!

Everything's sorted out!


Oh sorry peeps!

Hello again

You may have noticed that my About Me section is kind of weird because it's in another language! Well, yeah - it's in Highland Moocow so I'm not surprised you don't understand!

This is because I have a Highland Cow called Messy McScruff and recently he got his own page on Blogger. He's really cute (as I'm sure you'll agree) but sometimes you do have some trouble understanding him, especially when you first meet him. Click on the link to check out his page!!

Anyway, although it now says 'published by Messmoo', it's really published by me, Westrina, the one who likes to make films and eat chocolate and read books and play on the computer and HATES Maths on pain of DEATH!

So yeah. As you can tell, my uninteresting life just got even more uninteresting.


Tuesday 9 June 2009

First post!

Hello people who are boring enough to be looking at someone else's blog. This is my first post (duh), in case you hadn't noticed BY THE TITLE. 

Well, yeah. That's about all I've got to say. Thats probably why it's called 'My Uninteresting Life', eh?

Little bit about me? You lot are snoopy, aren't you?

Well, I do writing and film making and thats about it.


Ok, that's all for now (see?! It's about as uninteresting as it gets, but hey, you're reading it, so you must be even more uninteresting)
