Saturday 25 July 2009

Wednesday night on the Robin Hood film set

Hi everyone

Sorry I haven't got back to you - today was my sister's birthday! So I've been a bit busy preparing treasure hunts for hoards of six year olds to rampage around my house!! Anyway, I'm sure you're all DESPERATE (not) to know what happened on Wednesday night when I went to the Robin Hood night shoot.

Well, I arrived at about 7:30, and they weren't doing much, just using HUGE cranes to lift up
lights to make the set floodlit.

OK, this is a (bad quality) picture of a fire they were making in the ga
te of the castle. I'm not sure why...
Well, anyway, they did this, and then they shot FIRE ARROWS up at the castle and ran around shouting a lot. I wanted to get a film clip of it, but I was too slow :-(

I have realised that sometimes the photos and text don't synchronise, or the words are split halfway through onto another line. This isn't anything to do with me, by the way, because it looks fine when I'm editing my post, but for some reason the computer does it anyway. Sorry!

Right, this is a close-up of the castle. You've probably already seen it from this angle, but this is it without lighting at around 9pm. I warn you now - all the photos I've taken are quite fuzzy because I had to zoom in in order to get a decent photo, and then my camera isn't very stro
ng so it made a mess of it. And also, in case you didn't know, it was quite DARK. Funnily enough.

Ok, here are two photos I took around 11:30 to midnight. This first one is the castle WITHOUT any lighting.

This second one (I hope this lines up!) is taken at around the same time, but this time the castle is lit to look like sunrise. Clever, eh? As the night got darker and darker, the lighting on the castle (provided by at least 4 lights on cranes, another backlight and a reflective shield thing to bounce the light back up onto the castle) got brighter and brighter, to make it look like proper daylight!

There are some more things to tell you lot about, but this post is already really LOOOOOOONG so I'd probably better stop now.




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